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The Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council is a Florida not-for-profit organization governed by its Articles of Incorporation, Amended and Restated By-Laws, and the Florida Not for Profit Corporations Act. As a membership organization, the following guidelines have been established for the qualifications of its members.


  1. It is required that applicants for membership be sponsored by a member in good standing and are subject to additional validations as determined by the Board from time to time. All applicants for membership must submit to a background investigation.

  2. A new member applicant must submit the following forms to the Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council to begin the application process:

    1. Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council Application form

    2. Florida Department of Law Enforcement Background Investigation Waiver form

    3. Copy of valid Driver’s License or other government issued identification form

    4. Broward Sheriff’s Office Non-Employee Identification form

    5. Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council Code of Conduct form

  3. Those seeking membership in the Corporation shall be required to pay a non-refundable initiation payment in an amount of $5,000.00 and the first year’s annual membership dues in the amount of $1,000.

  4. Applicants are required to meet with members of the Membership Committee.

  5. The Board of Directors shall determine in its discretion, whether the results of an applicant’s background investigation is acceptable to the Board and may reject the application of any such applicant that does not meet this standard.

  6. Approval for membership shall be by majority vote of the Board of Directors after the applicant’s background investigation has been received.

  7. Applicants will be notified in writing if they have been approved or disapproved for membership.

  8. New members will be contacted by the Broward Sheriff’s Office to process fingerprints and photos for BSO identification card.

  9. New members will receive their Broward Sheriff’s Office identification card and Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council indicia at a regularly scheduled member meeting.


To apply, print all forms linked above, fill them out (sign and notarize where indicated) and return all, along with initial payment of $5,750, to:


Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council
C/O Valerie Silverman
1815 NW 51st Place
Suite 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Broward County Sheriff's Advisory Council - Membership Application

Date and Sponsor

Applicant Personal Information

Are you a US Citizen?
Marital Status

Spouse Information

Required If Married

Business Information

I prefer to receive correspondence and notices of meetings

In Case of Emergency, Please Contact


Have you or your spouse EVER been arrested by any City, State, County, of Federal Government agency?

Found Guilty

Have you or your spouse EVER been found guilty of a criminal or civil offense?

License Revocation

Have you or your spouse EVER had a Civil conviction that resulted in withdrawal of a professional license?

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.


Find out about Broward Sheriff's Advisory Council programs as a result of our decades of advocacy.


Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.

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1815 NW 51st Place, Suite 1, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 | 954-239-8165

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling 1-800-435-7352 within the state. Our Registration number is CH1411. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

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